Sunday, July 5, 2009


Beloved Missionaries from the Hartford, Conn. Mission.,


We are now living in the country where my husband served his mission 62 years ago. It has always been his dream to return here to live. We are serving in the Swedish Temple and it is just wonderful to be in the Lord's house and serve with such spiritual people.We are tired at the end of an eight-hour day but live close by so we don't have to commute.

We were disappointed to be away when the reunion was planned and had hoped that it would go forward but we understand that it was postponed. We are sad that some had made plans and we missed you and hope everyone received the word.

We think of you often and today when we greeted the missionaries here we remembered our treasured days with you. We frequently tell others of our great experiences in Hartford, of the miracles, the tears and the laughter.

I was thinking of you when our temple president told us that the "Tree of life" is to be found in temple work, that that is indeed the door to Heavenly blessings. It makes sense to me. And that the three missions of the Church, namely: perfecting the saints, missionary work and redeeming the dead are all accomplished in the temple.

So I recommend in your futures you consider, along with missions, to be ordinance workers. As one friend in the temple in Bountiful said, "It's the best kept secret in the church".We will be here a year or a year and a half depending on our health and family considerations.

It has been interesting to me to learn how many of you have had autistic children. We have a grandson who is now sixteen and austistic. Of course they are celestial people and choice spirits but represent alot of prayer and sometimes expense. Also there are those of you who have handicapped children who are also celestial. Some have even lost children.Would you be interested in communicating with one another? To share successes and challenges and ideas? These children have been given to very choice parents who bless their lives.

Our love goes out to each one of you and how we are blessed to have you as our other family. We have never prayed, laughed or cried as much as we did on our mission with you. As we read your names and look at your faces I wish we could tell you each one that we still remember and love you and pray for you. I hope that in the next world we can mingle one with another.

Hosting, China and The Isle of Man were unusual in their own way. Sweden is a modern city, very clean. So there isn't anything much to tell you, nothing funny. Lots of water and islands and Ikea, blonde hair, red houses with white trim, funny language and lots of Swedes. The Gospel is true here as well as there and testimony meeting was very spiritual today. What a marvelous thing this Gospel is in our lives. It is and will be our life-line in days to come. Hold fast to it's principles, be patient with your children and with yourselves and know you are dearly loved

Love always, The Pres. and Sister Ensign

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